Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Time Fun with Amesley

Decorating a cookie with gum drops and M&M.

Licking the sprinkles off my fingers.

Look at my pretty egg.

Enjoying the finished product. YUM YUM!! Thanks Meems for sending my cookie decorating kit. Luvs you Meems!
Drawing circles on the sidewalk and hopping in and out. Amesley says, "hop-it, hop-it."

Enjoying a Popsicle on a warm spring day! Thank you God for the beauty in creation!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7 Months with the Doggie

Yesterday-Asher turned 7 months old! This month he has been enjoying the world of food. We have worked our way through the veggies and just this week we've started fruit. The only thing he has turned his nose up to is the rice cereal...can't blame him it taste like cardboard to me :-) I have been making Asher's baby food. I didn't do this with Amesley because the thought of it just overwhelmed me. However, I have found it to be fairly easy and nice to have the food frozen in portions sizes that we use. He is also trying to learn how to get the liquid out of a cup. He has not figured out the tilting it back yet...instead we just chew on the spout.

Asher is now sitting and even able to catch himself sometimes when he falls to the side. He is also getting up into all fours and staying in that position for 1 minute before laying back down. Asher loves to stick his tongue out and spit. He is very aware of his environment now and becomes upset when mommy leaves the room. Asher loves his sister, Amesley. When he sees her or she talks to him he smiles soooo BIG. I pray this love will continue to grow as they grow older. Thank you God for our "Little Asher Man"!